Why is #BlackTwitter Silent on Apartheid Charlize Theron’s “Castration” of Her Adopted Black Son?

7 min readApr 21, 2019


The deafening silence coming from so-called “black twitter” over Apartheid born and raised, Charlize Theron’s claim that at 3 years old her adopted black son told her he was a girl and therefore he’s now transgender; is both shameful and maddening. The thought of a white woman who was born and raised in Apartheid South Africa, adopting a black boy to then raise and dress him up as a girl is sickening.

Where are all of the angry black women and mothers who are pistol ready anytime the #MeToo movement rattles their cages against a black man? There is no way that Charlize should not be feeling the wrath of Black America for this clear case of child abuse. Charlize has been dressing this boy like a girl for years now, and it’s nothing more than white liberals brainwashing and socially engineering at play.

What does it take for us to realize the sickness of Hollyweird, white liberals, their New World Order agendas, and their overall push to emasculate black men? It was no coincidence that the first “Black” president of USA was used to promote and push LGBTQ over all else. The Obama Administration spent over $700 million dollars pushing LGBTQ to African nations. It was no coincidence that black and gay Michael Sams was used to push LGBTQ agendas in the NFL, Sams is now saying that he was used by the LGBTQ at large. Also note that Michael Sams said after coming out that he faced more racism within the white LGBTQ community than he did homophobia within the black community. It was no coincidence that black and gay Jason Collins was used to push LGBTQ agendas in the NBA, and it’s absolutely disgusting and no coincidence that a once prestigious “all” black male Morehouse College, is being used to promote and be the face of transgenders. What’s even more laughable and insulting about this revelation, is if a transgender male is saying he’s transitioning into a woman, then why would he/she be attending an all male school…not to mention that Morehouse has also stated that if the person completely transitions while at school they will be immediately asked to leave. This has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard, but then again this is what happens when white liberals control our institutions.

I’m sure in the image below that as a child Jackson was demanding to do something that as an adult she pushed against, yet Charlize has the audacity to claim that she takes the word of a 3 year old on what his sexuality is (notice the ballerina slippers he’s wearing in the below photo as well, I’m sure he doesn’t have a credit card and does his own clothes shopping). A three year old can barely string words together to make a coherent sentence, let alone intelligently tell you what their gender makeup is.

Charlize has this little boy wearing girls ballerina slippers

This is nothing more than white liberals and Hollyweird using black babies as the latest accessory, and transgender/gay as their new social trend and attention grabbing scheme to further push the emasculation of black males. It’s also sickening that many of the pictures that you see of those children, all seem to be of them dressed as though they come from abject poverty instead of the home of a millionaire celebrity. The same could be said of the many images of Madonna and her adoptive black children, they all look as though they’re dressed from a scene in “Flowers In The Attic”, a movie where siblings were being abused and locked away in their families attic for years before finally escaping.

These children look like they’re homeless

Mainstream media was all in awe when a black boy by the name of Devonte Hart embraced a Portland, OR police office with actual tears flowing down his face (during a 2014 Ferguson protest). The media quickly labeled it as a heartwarming and touching, yet the reality was that this child was holding on for dear life and literally crying out for help…while living in a house of horrors. Devonte and his five siblings were later murdered by their adopted white lesbian mothers, in an apparent murder suicide.

Reports provide a lot of disturbing details about the degree of physical and emotional abuse, it poses more questions than offers answers, and paints a gruesome portrait of the parents, who beat and starved and gaslighted their children before murdering them all, and committing suicide. ~Dame Magazine

Courtesy of Dame Magazine

There were all types of signs that these two white women were abusing their adoptive “non-white” kids and no one, not even child services did a damn thing until it was too late.

Next-door neighbors Bruce and Dana DeKalb recounted that three months after the family moved in last May, one of the girls rang their doorbell in the middle of the night. It was Hannah Hart who “was at our door in a blanket saying we needed to protect her,” Bruce DeKalb said.

She had jumped out the family’s second-story window and was covered in weeds, DeKalb said. Though a teenager, she looked to be about 7 years old and was missing her front teeth.“She said that they were abusing her,” Bruce DeKalb said.

The family came by the next morning, he said in an interview. The moms said Hannah was going through a tough time. They said she was 12 years old, DeKalb recalled. Hannah was actually 16.The moms also mentioned they had taken Devonte out of school after the viral photo because he was being bullied. But the truth is that Devonte, like his siblings, never attended public schools in Oregon or Washington.~Statesman Journal — USA Today

The silencing of black twitter, black Hollywood and mainstream media on the reality of what Charlize Theron is doing to her adopted black son, is no different than the silence of these same people, on Ed Bucks murdering of two black gay men. These people are all owned and controlled by white liberals and are only allowed to speak, march and protest on issues that they give them a pass to do so. All one has to do is a quick hashtag search on Charlize Theron’s name and you will see that the only people who are talking about Theron are mostly right wingers attacking her and white liberals who are praising her for being such a wonderful mother.

Newsflash: Just because right wingers talk against something that we all know they’re right on, does not mean that we as black people have to be silent, no different than how shocking and pathetic it has been watching black twitter fall in line with white liberals to defend the racist FBI just because Trump came out against them. I’m still waiting on #BLM to demand that they rename the FBI building, since token symbolism is all they seem to fight for.

In the above images, Jackson appears to be dressed as a boy on the left, and then as a girl on the right; this is clear child abuse. Charlize needs to be investigated by child services, and those children should also be immediately removed from her home. We would not allow this if it were Laura Ingram or some right winger making these outrageous claims, so why are we willing to allow this now? What more has to be exposed and/or occur for people to stop this atrocity? Does Jackson and his sister have to be murdered like the Hart’s before people say there were signs we just didn’t realize it until it was too late? Surely we can not be this brainwashed and controlled by white liberals agendas, that we allow this type of mental abuse and child abuse to continue.

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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