Why Is Glen Greenwald SILENT on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s CLEAR FRAUD?
As many of you know, I was kicked off of twitter in September of 2017, in one of twitters first faux agendas of removing Russian trolls. My suspension was very different from most who have been removed from twitter, whether warranted or otherwise, because they also banned my IP address and I’ve refused to log on at another location to create one. Having said that, I am still able to go into twitter and read the various accounts that I have found news worthy and Glen Greenwald was one of the few.
It was Greenwald who hipped me to an unknown Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her Democratic Socialist campaign, prior to her winning her primary. Like many people, I had never heard of her and to be honest, had never heard of Jim Crowley either. There was not a day that went by leading up to the NY primaries, that Greenwald wasn’t tweeting in constant support of Cortez. His twitter page was plastered with images of this young Latino woman and her attempts at winning her primary and ushering in this new socialist agenda.
However, since her win she has increasingly shown that she is nowhere close to the person that Greenwald pushed people to support, and even less of the intelligent person he and many thought her to be. Those who know Greenwald, know that he spends his time protesting against illegal spying, US Imperalists wars, pro Palestine etc., yet he has not once condemned Ocasio-Cortez on her backpedaling on Israel and her now very disturbing tweet, praising warmonger John McCain. There was no reason for her to even comment on McCain’s passing, she’s not an elected official even though she’s being paraded around the US as one.
I’ve always respected Greenwald but reading his page and never seeing his condemnation of her recent actions, is troubling. There’s no excuse for him not to challenger her on her many disastrous interviews and policy changes, unless he’s also part of the con. Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet praising John McCain, should have been the final straw for him, but instead Glen has chosen to be silent. The question is why!!
Even today rather than discuss her very disastrous tweet about McCain, he’s posting articles promoting another democrat, gender/identity candidate for the online newspaper that he writes for…and seemingly praising Ocasio-Cortez while doing so.
Greenwald’s inactions and even some of his recent tweets pouring adulations for neoliberal twitter trolls like Krassentein brothers, is also disturbing.
It’s interesting that he claims to be anti-resistance and anti-neoliberals and establishment, yet over recent days he’s poured out his love and support for one of twitters most notorious trolls for the resistance.
Lastly, Greenwald was one of Ocasio-Cortez’s biggest cheerleaders leading up to the primaries, the least he could do is hold her accountable. Or maybe it’s time for his followers to hold him accountable and question what he really stands for or believes.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach