Why is John McCain being Honored by MLKing Center & Angela Davis’ Honor is Rescinded by Birmingham Civil Rights Institute?
Where are all the liberals at? I can’t hear you!!! Just when I thought that the King family couldn’t stoop any lower in their corporate & Zionist sellout of their father’s legacy; they decide to honor racist warmonger John McCain.
The three siblings had a long history of taking each other to court, even before the dispute over the Bible and medal, as The Christian Science Monitor’s Cristina Maza reported in January 2015:
The dispute is far from the first legal battle the King siblings have entered into. In August 2013, which was the 50th anniversary of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, his estate demanded that Ms. King cease to use her father’s image, likeness, and memorabilia in her role as CEO of the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. Lawyers in the case also declared that the center was storing some of Dr. King’s personal effects in an “unacceptable” manner. A ruling on that case is still pending.
In a previous lawsuit, Ms. King and Martin Luther King III sued Dexter King. The two siblings claimed that their brother had taken cash from the estate of their late mother, Coretta Scott King, to launch a private business venture.
For many, the clashes between the offspring of an inspirational historical figure have been rather disheartening.
McCain was a major proponent against the Civil Rights Bill, fought for years against the MLK Holiday, and ultimately making Arizona the last state to honor it. McCain was also unrepentant in his votes against civil rights, so much so that in 2011 he refused to apologize for them.
In 1990, McCain was one of the deciding votes in helping then-President George H.W. Bush sustain a veto against the relatively benign Civil Rights Act of 1990.
In doing so, the senator found himself at odds with majorities in both chambers of Congress, most senior African Americans within the Bush administration, and the Republican-led U.S. Civil Rights Commission. He also helped Bush become the first president ever to successfully veto a civil rights measure — Andrew Johnson in 1866 and Ronald Reagan in 1988 both had vetoes overridden.
Over a week ago when the King Center tweeted out that they were honoring McCain, Bishop Talbert Swan, Jr., replied to them in shock asking why they were doing this. Instead of the King Center replying to Bishop Swan and bringing further attention to their reprehensible actions, they immediately deleted the tweet. However, we have learned that they still intend to honor McCain this month as originally planned. After all, when you take a check from the devil he always wants his due. It’s clear that the King Center was paid by the McCain foundation for this insulting and unwarranted honor. It’s also clear that all of the fanfare about Michelle Obama & George Bush’s candygate and love affair, has these people assuming that this type of whitewashing will be ignored and allowed by their Democratic plantation controlled negroes.
Not to be outdone, the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute has rescinded its award to Angela Davis because of her stance against apartheid & Zionist Israel. The Chairman of the Board of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute is a white man…please let that sink in. What’s just as disturbing is that he was Doug Jones’ replacement, after he won a US Senate seat. Doug Jones the white man who only won because of massive Black turnout, who also had to be forced to hire someone Black to work in his office was the former Chairman of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute.
Democrats and feminists who rant daily against White males, have somehow convinced Black people that they need a White male over the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. The hypocrisy is astounding and I’m sick of the excuse about money and funding, there are enough wealthy Black people to obtain the funding these organizations need without selling out to Zionist and corporations with impunity. This also was or still is the case here in Atlanta with the Civil Rights Museum (ran by a white man), no different than the insult of the African American Museum in D.C., and all of the white people who run it…and their appointing a 26yr old white girl to be the Curator over the Hip Hop Museum section there. Black America has been completely sold out by Black politicians, Black elite and the paid Black mouthpieces who help them.
The above statement was sent out by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. The Mayor of Birmingham says that the honor was rescinded because of protests from the Jewish community (Dr. Davis committed the cardinal sin, she criticized Israels apartheid and treatment of Palestinians)…let’s see if @TheKingCenter has the decency to respect Black Americans the same way they and America bows down for Jews. #BoycottTheKingCenter #BoycottBirminghamCivilRights #BoycottIsrael #BDS
It’s too bad that the same good Jewish people who protested and complained about Angela Davis receiving an award from BCRI, did not show that same anger when NAACP was honoring their racist and Zionist Donald Sterling. It’s also puzzling how the BCRI bows to Jews when it comes to what happens within the BCRI…perhaps Black people need to start telling AIPAC how to run their Zionist pac.
Finally, it’s outrageous that we continue to allow liberals to tell us who our heroes/sheroes and celebrities are. It is ONLY those who bow to their agendas and views who are allowed honors or celebrity. Meanwhile the Obama’s praises McCain and Bush’s…and honors war criminals like Henry Kissinger. This is beyond an insult.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach