Why is NAACP Atlanta Working to Silence #ADOS & Reparations for African Americans?
To say that I am shocked would be an understatement, to say that I am not surprised would be contradictory but true. The Atlanta Chapter of NAACP, has seemingly sanctioned their social media person to be outright attack dogs against anyone who dares speak against their paid for agendas. I was first alerted to the NAACP Atlanta’s account when a friend sent me a screenshot of their twitter beef with R&B singer and now pastor Montell Jordan, after he gave a sermon on top of Georgia’s Stone Mountain on Easter Sunday. The below exchange is only the beginning of the unprofessional and reprehensible tweets that have came from the Atlanta NAACP’s account, when addressing those they don’t agree with.
Apparently, NAACP’s new marching orders (from their white owners) of “distraction and symbolism over substance” is to push for the removal of confederate generals that are carved onto the mountain. Amazing, so where was the Atlanta NAACP when their 2nd favorite president, Bill Clinton literally used black prisoners as props to stand on top of Stone Mountain while pushing his new crime bill? All of these old and sold out black politicians and black organizations were in lock step with the democrats racist agenda and crime bill. Some of these same people are actively pushing racist and segregationist Joe Biden, the author of it all. #MassIncarceration
I can think of a million things that are going on within Atlanta’s black communities that need addressing and support way before this faux and useless protest to remove an entire mountain, that will never happen. As if their juvenile attacks against Montell Jordan wasn’t enough, the NAACP Atlanta Chapter is also now embroiled in an online feud attacking those of us who support #ADOS and the demand that black politicians stand up for #HR40 and do more than just the lip service to study it.
After witnessing the horrific exchanges between the Atlanta Chapter and various people on twitter over the last few days; I decided to reach out to the Atlanta Chapter this morning and was shocked at the very unprofessional and argumentative reply that I received. Initially upon calling a receptionist was both polite and somewhat confused as to what was happening. She assured me that they knew about the account and that it was not their account and had already contacted the FBI in reference to them (when in actuality they were contacting the FBI against people on twitter for challenging the troll that they have running their account).
I told her that she could easily have the account shut down by contacting the national president and having him reach out to twitter to remove it. However, within minutes she called me back and stated that their chapter president Richard Rose wanted to speak with me. Upon being transferred to him, he immediately became combative and acknowledged that this was their account and that he saw nothing wrong with what they were tweeting. He also seemed confused on how to navigate twitter and how to read all of the tweets that their employee was posting. I told him that one tweet was really interesting where their person tweets that if ADOS was really for reparations they would be aligned with NCOBRA (a group I had never heard of until recently) a group they say has been doing “true work” for decades **wink.
I went further to say that, if that’s the case then why did they not publicly fight against BLM since they came about fighting against police violence, murders, and civil rights of black people…and by virtue would be an overlap of what they/NAACP already supposedly have in place? The President of Atlanta NAACP, then seemed very agitated when I mentioned NCOBRA and made this comparison. The reality is the reason that the NAACP didn’t go after BLM when they were magically elevated with enormous platforms, is because they are all being paid by the same white benefactors, and they all have the same marching orders…keep negroes enslaved to Democrats Plantation!
I’m surprised of any black person in the 21st Century who doesn’t know the history of NAACP and who actually started it and why.
I further expressed to him my dismay in seeing tweets coming from an organization that is suppose to be about the elevation of African American lives, and that this seemed more of crabs in a barrel issue that always seem to plague black organizations. He then became very combative and told me that I was wrong and that was not an issue for black organizations and black communities; I then said you are right, “the issues we have is blind loyalty and voting in lockstep with the Democrat Party.”
Amazing that they claim to not be tied to a party but his response with me was complete anger for me daring to call out the democrats lies and manipulation of black people.
Once I made those statements he became extremely agitated and yelled and screamed at me saying that he was not a democrat but had voted for democrats for most of his life; and that I was a liar and he didn’t care what I said anymore and then slammed the phone down in my face. I was shocked to see the below tweet hours after my conversation with the president.
The person behind the account repeatedly attacked various twitter accounts who challenged them on their supposed work for #ADOS and black lives. The account continued to post tweets elevating Representative Sheila Jackson Lee as a hero to black people and reparations, which is the biggest lie ever told. I’m sure you can go to their page to read those, that’s if they are not deleted like many of these that I was able to capture in screenshots prior to their deletion. I have heard that supposedly the president has since told someone else that they have fired the person responsible for this…whether that’s true or not is another issue but I know for sure that the Atlanta Chapter of NAACP was in full support of what they were doing and saying…this isn’t debatable, Richard Rose made that very clear to me before he rudely hung up in my face. Unfortunately, there was no announcement coming from the Atlanta Chapter publicly denouncing the behavior, only a retweet of someone who stated they had spoken with Mr. Rose and he was removing the person!
Lastly, if NAACP Atlanta or the NAACP at large are who they claim to be (and we know they’re not) and not owned and operated by white liberals and their Jewish donors, then they would be demanding that CBC all get behind HR40 the same way they have all gotten behind HR6 in support of illegal immigrants. HR40 has sat dormant with no real action or intent of support for decades, anyone claiming any difference is a blatant liar.
Why has white liberals token black-faced mascot, John Lewis (and many others within the CBC as the below tweet and graph shows) not signed and sponsored HR40 the same way the CBC has 100% signed on to support HR6 for DACA? John Lewis should be the first person to be pushing for Reparations for #ADOS, but he has long since stopped fighting or caring about the needs of black America; and his only role now is mascot for liberals own brand of covert racism and white supremacy.
Yvette Carnell @breakingbrown was right, pressure moves politicians not accolades and praise.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑