Why is Travis Scott being held to higher standard than the actual Black NFL players? #SuperBowl

5 min readJan 17, 2019


These asinine attacks against Travis Scott for daring to perform at this years NFL Super Bowl is beyond laughable and ignorant. Colin Kaepernick and his online bullying sidekick (and non black girlfriend), are slamming Travis Scott saying he is somehow disrespecting Kaepernick by performing in the Super Bowl. Yet I don’t recall any black NFL player refusing to play the entire year of his bogus protest, nor she or anyone else attacking them. This has now become more about celebrating Kaepernick and not about the supposed reason he claimed to be kneeling.

Big Boi & Travis Scott

I’m happy that Big Boi has also decided to join Scott and Maroon 5 during halftime, and Atlanta native Gladys Knight is performing the National Anthem. Atlanta is suppose to be the Black Mecca of both Activism and Hip Hop music, it would have been amazing to see the many Atlanta black artist come together to perform and make a stance at the same time.

It’s actually really pathetic that black people are so angered by Travis Scott performing at the Super Bowl, all while this weekend in Atlanta the MLKing Center will be honoring racist John McCain who fought repeatedly against Civil Rights and MLK Holiday; but not a word against this from any of these celebrities who have so much to say about Scott. The distraction game is real, why has Common and many others not spoken out against the MLK Center and King Children?

I initially supported Kaepernick because I thought what he was standing for was righteous. However over time it became clear that his entire persona was manufactured and corporatized for his own gain, not to mention Nike’s. Kaepernick found that using a perceived black persona, donned with a 70’s afro (that he never wore before), claiming to be fighting against the police; would garner him more money and fame than throwing a football ever could. It’s also interesting that Kaepernick is all things black, except when it comes to his family, his woman and his bedroom.

Kaepernick and his family

Kaepernick is just another faux manufactured leader for black people, in the list of approved so-called activist voices by white liberals, Hollyweird and their agendas. All of this distraction about black artists not performing at the Super Bowl, yet no legislation or condemnation against the systemic police state that black people endure is being actually pushed. However, there’s been a constant drumbeat on ending ICE. Has Nike and Kaepernick put together a PAC to lobby against the systemic violence of black people by police? Nike has made over $6 billion dollars since their Kaepernick ad, but if Nike really wanted to send a message and be an advocate for black causes and black people, they would have removed all of their uniforms from the NFL and donated the proceeds to actually doing things within the black communities. However, instead they were able to make money on both ends, a complete scam.

We all know that the only thing that controls Washington other than Israel, is money, and the last I checked the same good white liberals who are pedaling Kaepernick and Nike as heroes, are the same ones who just raised millions for two fired FBI agents. The hypocrisy is astounding. Kaepernick has co-opt’d the abuse and murders of black people, to now become some hero, when he has no concept of what being black even means, and the entire boycott is really about him not being picked up as a quarterback and less to do with systemic police abuse and murders of black people. I use to wonder why he was never offered a job in broadcasting, or why you have never heard him actually talk at length, once I heard his squeaky voice I understood. Seeing him aligned with both Shaun King and Deray McKesson should have been a signal that he had be coopted. Also seeing the likes of another cointelpro fraud like Al Sharptongue attacking Travis Scott for his decision to perform, was also an indicator of who was really behind this manufactured protest.

Trump’s online ignorance and racist words gave Kaepernick more power than he deserved, because we all know that all it takes is for Trump to attack someone and the frenzy to defend this is elevated beyond belief. Yet now the idea that Travis Scott somehow needs Kaepernick’s approval to perform is laughable, and his girlfriend doing his dirty work for him is both childish and pathetic. If Kylie Jenner started attacking her in defense of Scott, she’d be crying foul and many would be asking why is Scott sending a woman to do his dirty work. His girlfriends online tweets are laughable, who is Kaepernick that anyone needs to consult anyway? Most of the celebrities who are claiming to be protesting the NFL Super Bowl, are hosting parties and/or coming to Atlanta to participate in events all over the city. Which still adds up to indirectly supporting the NFL. Shaq has reportedly rented out an entire commercial complex to host parties.

I’m not a fan of Scott’s because he’s not my era or genre of music but I respect his decision to perform. If Travis reached out to Colin to discuss his performance, that alone was a sign of respect that he did not have to give. I repeat, where is the anger against all the black players who have continued to play and refused to #StandWithKaepernick? Is she/they demanding that whatever teams go to the Super Bowl, that all of the black players boycott?

From Russia With Love,

Charlie Peach🍑




Written by CharliePeach🍑

World Traveler, Unbossed & Unbought: Independent & Critical Thinker, Informer NOT Conformer! No Democrat/ No GOP- #DemExit — Unapologetically BLACK!

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