Why Remove Confederate Statues if HBCU’s are Replacing them with Racists like George H.W. Bush?
Over the past two years black people were pacified with meaningless protests, and the destruction and removal of confederate statues all across the south. Black students and their liberal white faux friends; all participated in on campus protests at various universities and cities, demanding that civil rights era statues be removed. Democrats were patting themselves on their backs for once again giving black people a symbolic win, with no substance or policies in hand.
However, after all of the bogus outrage and attention given to this topic, Hampton University has decided it would erect a statue honoring George H.W. Bush. George H.W. Bush, the man behind the flow of drugs within the black communities. Bush the president who famously pedaled the “Willie Horton” racist ad and campaign against his democratic rival, George Dukakis. In fact the use of Wille Horton and it’s racist fear mongering to white people, was the same racist dog whistle and attack that Hillary Clinton used to help her husband (Bush’s mentee) Bill Clinton when she coined the phrase “Super Predator”.
FYI: Bill Clinton’s Crime Bill was a spinoff of his friend and mentors, George H.W. Bush’s agenda…something he promised him that he would put in place.
I’ve always believed that black children needed a black education and that attending an HBCU was paramount to their future successes. However, what would be the purpose of sending your child to a black institution if it’s going to give them the same imagery and false idolatry of a racist white man, as those from white universities? Black universities should fill their campuses with images and statues of black people and leaders who look like them.
What was the purpose of the last few months of protests, symbolic wins and demands from predominately white universities to remove confederate statues, if HBCU’s like Hampton University were going to in turn, erect 21st Century racist statues afterward? Why would an HBCU need to honor any white man, when there are a plethora of successful black people and leaders who could have been chosen for that placement? The mayor of Baltimore was patting herself on the back after removing a confederate statue there, yet poor black kids suffered in freezing classrooms for lack of heat…but yes, they got that statue down though.
George H.W. Bush a former CIA director, behind coups, drug proliferation in urban cities across the US, wars, profiling and assassinations of black leaders…Hampton University is a joke and any student attending both past and present should be ashamed to allow this to stand. The boule class of Black Americans have truly sold their souls and the black community for their own profit and gain. This is beyond disgraceful and no amount of Obama and Michelle’s elevating of the Bush crime family, will erase who they really are.
It certainly makes perfect since to fight to remove one era of racists leaders, and replace them with another. The same Deplorable, MAGA hat wearing, Tiki Torch protestors, you were protesting against with the removal of confederate statues, sends their love and thanks for replacing their old heroes with their 21st Century hero George H.W. Bush. After all, the War on Drugs, and Mass Incarceration has imprisoned more black men than slavery ever did.
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach🍑