Will Whoopi and The View Comment on Megyn Kelly’s Blackface Fiasco?
Newsflash: Liberals are the only people who are allowed to humiliate and insult Black people…apparently. Megyn Kelly wrongly spoke on the appropriateness of White people dressing in blackface for halloween and received immediate backlash for it. However, Whoopi’s ex-lover, Ted Danson actually dressed in blackface and she and many other White liberals thought it was just fine. So, I’m curious how will The View address Megan’s words vs. Ted Danson’s actions and Whoopi’s acceptance.
In an update to this blog, it appears that Megyn Kelly is out at NBC, she’s clearly getting the Roseanne Barr knee-jerk treatment. We also know that the only thing liberals are good at when it comes to issues of race and racism, is faux symbolism over anything substantive. It’s also clear that ONLY White liberals are allowed to be racially offensive with no retribution. Bette Midler didn’t miss a beat after her offensive words about slavery, she was allowed to apologize after doubling down on her insult…and only after she received outrage from those of us who don’t bend over for the liberals agenda, did she decide to retract it.
This is my weekly dose of Liberal hypocrisy and their kinder and gentler Racism & White Supremacy!! **wink
From Russia With Love,
Charlie Peach