WTH are you even ranting about? NOWHERE in my article did I suggest or say that anything should be done to him now other than telling the truth about what a loathsome war criminal and racist he was. The entire point of the article is the hypocrisy of #MeToo and how AmeriKKKa protects their own.
I don’t owe Bush a eulogy or praise and I certainly won’t hold my views back to appease you or anyone else. And as far as you feeling sorry for the show that Meghan McCain put on, (while they made sure to keep her new BLACK sister in law hidden from the camera’s)…you can miss me. Bill Cosby has a wife and a family, and had also just lost a daughter to kidney disease months before he was sentenced, NOT one white person, shed a damn tear for her or sympathy for him…not one msm media outlet said how sorry they were for her death.
And NEWSFLASH: I had an amazing father, who doted on me and my two older sisters and that I loved dearly, but I would NEVER put up my love for my father in comparison to a rich white woman who’s father & war criminal spent his life destroying Black people the world over…you sound like a complete fool, and clearly you don’t know the history of the Bush family…from Prescott Bush on down. We all know that Black women like you will ALWAYS play the patsy for the elitists in an effort to be accepted, while ignoring the atrocities these people have preyed upon and used to destroy Black people for centuries.
FYI: Fvk Obama & Michelle’s FRAUD a$$es who did NOTHING for Black people and who’s disgraceful antics of being nothing more than wall street & money hungry grifters has been on full display for all to see. You and all of the Jim Jone’s KoolAid drinkers rule of thought can miss me. I meant what I said…don’t like it, you have options. If Obama, Michelle and the rest of the NeoCons they now love so much, cared anything about grace or dignity…they would NOT be the ones pouring gasoline on an already divided country. I also have always pushed people on both sides working together, but what you claim is now some cumbaya moment for Obama’s & Bush’s, is nothing more than two heads of the same body joining hands after they have helped destroy the world & lined their pockets, it has NOTHING to do with anyone or anything other than the 1%.
Lastly, the reason we have Trump is because of the very people you’re defending, had they all not tried to rig the elections for their new Globalist Warmonger in order to further their wealth and agendas for NWO, then there would be no Trump. Trump is no more the villan as he is a victim, you seem to be one of those who blames every issue on Trump but want to chastise me about decorum on a war criminal.