You can’t tell me what I can and can’t say or how I CHOOSE to write…I meant it just as I wrote it, in all of its insults and pettiness, just as ugly and insulting as Angela Rye’s mocking and mean girl antics agnst Omarosa was done (I’m confused why you’re more worried about my insults of Rye and crew than you are about theirs of another black woman on national TV & you wonder why we can never get ahead in life)…You BRAINE dead sheeple for Dems are pathetic…Angela Rye sits on the board of Congressional Black Caucus PAC, the same PAC that takes money from Private Prison lobbyists, Big Pharma, Tobacco, the same Caucus who was sited for spending its monies on lavish parties and overpaid consultants, rather than doing anything legislatively for African Americans, while she laughs her hateful ass all the way to the bank off the backs of ignorant ass black ppl like you.
My article worked just as I intended it to, it’s you who are too pathetic to grasp it…Lastly, the next time you want to check someone, go challenge Angela Rye and that WOKE 100 Crew of Black misfit women, owned by the Dem Establishment and ask them who pays their checks and then ask yourself why is a grown educated black woman/women being paid on national TV to mock and insult another black woman, no matter her agenda, beliefs etc…yet you ppl demand that everyone else respect the views of liberals and the differences of all people, but those differences are only of concern or care when it benefits the agendas of democratic party and the brain dead black folk & especially black women, who live to be equal to white women, who use them for their own agendas…it’s black women like you who continue to believe that they give a damn about you…
NEWSFLASH: You can call me anything you like but it’s what I answer to that defines who I am…and the last I chkd, I don’t know you nor does your opinion provide sustenance on my table or monies in my bank account…