You have lost your mind. I am NOT a conservative and NO where in the course of anything I’ve ever stated, made such a claim. My articles are written to inform my people of the FRAUD of Democratic Party and how we are being played by them and emotionally controlled, when they are doing NOTHING for us.
This woman, Jehmu Greene, who is/was a dem party chair and also ran for DNC head, was on the news last year cheering on the dem party and how great they are but now she’s having a different view and feels they are using black people and giving us nothing in return. The same revelation I had after voting for Obama twice and dems all of my life. I meant what I said and how I said it. If you are black and don’t know what a con game dems are playing on black people, yet have the nerve to ASSume I’m a conservative, then I truly feel sorry for you.